About Hoa Minh

We provide genuinely IT solutions in order to set you up for success.

We make innovative effective IT products that bring more success to your business

Innovation and creativity must bring efficiency. This will bring success and development to the business

Dung Tran
Our Story

Hoa Minh Technology

Hoa Minh is a company that provides technology solutions. We started out as developers on the same team. We have had many adventures together and found common ground.With the desire to explore and achieve achievements in the world of technology. 

The members have made constant efforts to improve their skills and experience to bring value to the projects we participate in. 

After many successes, we have gathered many technology experts together to create valuable products, the purpose of which is to bring efficiency to our customers’ business.

Hoa Minh Benefist

We provide you with high quality technology services

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Developer Friendly

Lorem ipsum dolor amet, websites that will make you more successful.

  • General Consulting
  • Construction Management
  • Design & Build
  • Data Analytics
Easy To Customize

Lorem ipsum dolor amet, websites that will make you more successful.

  • General Consulting
  • Construction Management
  • Design & Build
  • Data Analytics
Pro Customer Support

Lorem ipsum dolor amet, websites that will make you more successful.

  • General Consulting
  • Construction Management
  • Design & Build
  • Data Analytics
Our Presentation

Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team.

Meet Our Team

Our Leadership Team

Sed sagittis sodales lobortis. Curabitur in eleifend turpis, id vehicula odio. Donec pulvinar tellus egetmagna aliquet ultricies. nec eleifend sem convallis vitae.

Duc Ha

Business Manager

Linh Nguyen

Sales Manager

An Le

HR Managment

Duy Nguyen

Technical Manager

Dung Tran

Company CEO

Thai Tran

Full-stack Developer
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